Struggling with Relationship Problems?

If you have decided to separate and are looking at the best way of resolving issues regarding your finances and/or how you spend time with your children then mediation provides a cost effective way and quick way of reaching a settlement.

Embarking on a lengthy and expensive legal battle often creates additional stress and hostility. Mediation can make the process far less confrontational whilst ultimately achieving the same outcome.

Typically, the cost of the mediation process is between 1/5th and 1/10th of that  spent instructing a solicitor and negotiating a settlement through traditional means. This comparison becomes even more stark if court proceedings are issued. Spending your money wisely at this difficult time means more for you both to share or provide for your children.

Mediation also offers flexibility in terms of the speed of the process and is ideally suited to remote meetings which avoids the need for both people to travel to a central meeting venue.

we have recently expanded our mediation team to cope with demand and have experienced and expert solicitor/mediators who can guide you on the law whilst helping you reach an agreement. We are a large London-based firm but offer mediation services nationwide and internationally using zoom meetings. We pride ourselves on getting to know our clients well regardless of their location and always providing a first class service.  For more information please call us.


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