In Bangladesh, Family Court runs by Mohammadan Law. Mohammadan Law came into force through the working of Mohammadan jurisprudence on the raw material which consisted of the popular and the administrative practice of the late Umaiyad times and was endorced, modified by the earliest lawyers.
In Bangladesh, with respect to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christens and other ethnic groups, laws pertaining to marriage, marriage registration, dissolution of marriage and its registration, prohibition of polygamy, restraining of child marriage, dower on moharana, maintenance and alimony, guardianship and custordy adoption, forstering, inheritance perperty right, prohibition of dowry, prohibition of violence against women and children.
Since, 1985, the Family Courts ordinance has allowed adjuscation of 5 types of person issues which include:
- Dissolution of Marriage
- Restitution of Conjugal Rights
- Dower
- Maintenance
- Guardianship and Custody of Children
At LPA, we know that choosing a Solicitor to represent you in Divorce proceedings can seem a daunting task. We can reassure you that our solicitors have been specifically selected not only for their empathy but also their proactive litigation skills which ensure children’s needs are always placed first and staunchly defended.
We will listen to your specific set of circumstances and let you as the client dictate the speed at which things progress. If separation has recently occurred, and you feel there may be a prospect of reconciliation, we will assist you to contact agencies or counsellors who could assist if necessary. No client is put under any pressure to move forward with Divorce proceedings until they are ready. It is also common for clients to take advice prior to separation so they know their options before taking any final decisions.
As one of the largest and longstanding Family Law Teams in Bangladesh. We have spent many years forging links with leading Barristers Chambers who specialise in Divorce and Financial Resolution work. LPA hold a complete experts directory of approved Accountants, Surveyors, Handwriting Experts and Financial Advisors whose expertise we can call upon for assistance with your case if the need arises.