In line with the legislation, we deal with the following sectors.
- Murder & Culpable Homicide
- Arms & Explosive
- Nari-O-Shishu
- Theft
- Robbery and Dacoity
- Fraud
- Misappropriation of money
- Criminal Breach of Trust
- Forgery
- Adulteration
- Negotiable Instruments (Check Dishonour)
- Narcotics and Drugs
- Trespass
- Abduction/ Kidnap
- Enforced Disappearance
- Rape
- Acid Throwing
- Dowry Demanding
- Defamation
- Assault and Battery
- Mal Prosecution
Criminal Cases we conduct
- Complaint Cases (C R Case)
- Police Station Cases (G R Case)
- Criminal Appeals
- Criminal Revisions
- Quashment (561A)
- Miscellaneous Cases
Criminal Courts we appear
- Magistrate Court
- Court of Sessions Judge
- Special Tribunal
- Nari-O-S hishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal
- Druto Bichar Adalat
- High Court Division
- Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
Our Services
- Bail and Anticipatory Bail Petition
- Trial of Cases
- Appeal stage
- Revision Stage
- Miscellaneous